Friday, December 31, 2010

FIRST day of FIRST grade

Madelyn did start school before our Disney trip, but I didn't have a chance to blog about that until now. Here is an interview I did with Madelyn on the first day of school.

Q: How is first grade different from Kindergarten
A: "The teacher uses a lamp so it's not as bright as Kindergarten. We are reviewing everything we learned in Kindergarten."

Q: What do you like about your teacher?
A: "She's really nice and really funny. She even asked us, 'Do girls go in boy's bathrooms and do boys go in girl's bathrooms.'"

Q: What is a goal you have for the year?
A: "To read Junie B. Jones Boss of Lunch."

Q: What is something special you did today?
A: "Looking at books, taking off my shoes, and sitting on the floor."

Q: What is something you didn't like?
A: "There is nothing I didn't like."

Q: Tell me about lunch.
A: "There was a note from you in my lunchbox. I ate a lunchable, treats, and a capri sun. I was about to eat my chips and string cheese, but I didn't have time."

Q: Who did you play with?
A" "Katie and a new friend, Alexis."

Q: What are three things you learned?
A: "Reading, Math, and PE."

Q: What did you do at recess?
A: "Play tag."

Q: What did you wear?
A: "pink skirt, pink Cheetah shirt, silly bands, and glitter shoes."

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