Thursday, August 16, 2012

What it is like to be FIVE

So, I said I would be better at blogging, and then my computer broke. I think I am now able to write, but can't include pictures at the moment.

This post is dedicated to my Sassy Cassie, who turned 5 years old.

Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Cinnamon Roll

Q: What is your favorite meal that mom cooks?
A: Waffle

Q: What is your favorite toy?
A: Barbie

Q: What was your favorite birthday gift?
A: An Geo car from Madi

Q: What is something you love to do?
A: Play

Q: What is something new you want to learn while you are five?
A: To do math

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Purple

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: Puppy

Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Madi

Q: What is something you like about yourself?
A: That I like to play

Q: What is your best memory this year?
A: A trip to the zoo (in Oklahoma City)

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Cinderella 3

Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: UmiZumi and Yo Gabba Gabba

Q: What is your favorite book?
A: Any princess book

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: A "Kid Rock Star"

To my sweet and silly Cassidy. You are more of a blessing than you will ever know.
God has used you to teach me some very important lessons. The most important lesson I have learned from you is that God indeed has a purpose and His plans and His timing may not be what we want, but they are perfect. You have taught me patience for sure. You have a personality all your own, and I love your spunky nature. You are strong willed and you stand up for what you think is right even at your very young age. Many people think that you do not know how to talk, but at home you are a funny and witty little girl that keeps us on our toes. You wear your heart on your sleeve. You do not like to talk when you are upset. You can definitely give the silent treatment. I thank God for placing you in our family. You have been a perfect addition. Happy birthday sweet girl. "You are my best friend, and I love you so much."