Sunday, December 20, 2009

This is Cassidy

Sweet and spunky Cassidy, my second born. She is a two and a half year old bundle of fun and excitement. There is so much to say about her. Here are some of my favorite things:
1. She does not smile in pictures. You can follow her for days with a camera and never get a smile out of her. It is odd how her personality completely changes when a camera comes out. The picture above is the best I could do. This is her "smile face".
2. She is very smart, and she learns something new every day. She is speaking in full sentences now. She can express herself clearly. She can recite her ABC's, count to 15, and sing numerous songs (Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Wheels on the Bus).
3. She is a Daddy's girl. She always wants to know where her daddy is. I love that she calls him "Da Da". And, sometimes she calls him "Michael". However, she still doesn't mind being mama's baby. When I ask her, "Where's mama's baby?" She points to herself and says, "me."
4. She has the sweetest, most tender voice you have ever heard. I love some of the things she says. She says "my" instead of "I". So, she will say, "My going to eat, My hungry, My take a bath." Very cute.
5. She loves her blankie. She always has a pink blankie with her. She uses it to rub her nose and face when she is trying to go to sleep. She puts it between her toes. And, she loves the taggie on it. She has slept with a blankie since she was born, and I don't think she will stop anytime soon.
6. She loves her big sister very much. It is so neat to watch the two of them together. She likes to follow "Mani" and imitate what she does. She loves to play with her and hug her. They have such opposite personalities, but they play so well together.
7. She is already assertive. She is almost bossy in a way. She tells you exactly what she wants. She tells you where to sit and how to play. We are working with her on manners because she can come across as demanding.
8. She is hilarious. What a personality and sense of humor. She has been telling knock knock jokes for months. Although they don't make sense, they are funny. Here is my favorite:
Knock Knock
Who's There
Cuz who
Then, she laughs hysterically.
9. She loves to play chase and hide and seek. She is always saying, "Get me know." And, boy can she scream when you chase her. She also loves to hide. She likes hide and seek, but she also hides anytime the garage door goes up so she can jump out and surprise you. She is also a dare devil that likes to jump on the couch and the bed. I am sure she will have the first broken arm or stitches.
10. She loves to hug and kiss everything. Her love language is physical touch. Any time she sees
something she likes she says, "Touch it; Hug it; Kiss it" Some things are okay to hug and kiss, but not all things. She also loves to hug and kiss people that are important to her. She kisses on the cheek, never the lips. Her hugs and kisses are so soft and sweet. And, she still lets us rock her sleep at nap time and bed time.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Okay...I know I am not a good blogger. Please come back Monday. Over the weekend I hope to introduce you to Cassidy and tell you about some of the things I love about her. Then, I will try to do better about updating.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This is Madelyn

Madelyn is my first born. She is a six year old sweetheart, full of spunk and attitude. If you don't have the pleasure of knowing her, I will tell you some things about her. If you do know her, maybe you will still learn something new. Here are 10 of my favorite things about Madi:

1. Her love language is physical touch. She is a hugger, but not a kisser. She has never wanted to be kissed around or on the lips. If you are lucky enough to kiss her, you do it on top of her head. She is almost always glued to my hip these days.

2. She is a pleaser. She wants everyone to be proud of her. She wants to do things to make me happy. She loves it when adults are happy with her.

3. She is tender hearted. She hates to think that she has hurt someone. She cries when her sister cries. She is empathetic to others.

4. She loves the Lord. When she talks about her best friend, she means Jesus. She likes Bible school songs. She has memorized about 12 Bible verses. And, she learns a new one each week.

5. She is still a little girl. She is innocent and pure. She loves things that others her age find babyish, such as Sesame Street, nursery rhymes, a bicycle with training wheels, and being rocked to sleep sometimes. This makes me happy because I don't want her to grow up too fast.

6. She has a bit of spunk and sass. She will mouth off sometimes, but it is usually in good humor. She will tell her dad "I will punch you in the face." She isn't scared to share her opinion or advocate for herself. This has taken some time as she used to be very, very shy.

7. She is a girly girl. She doesn't get dirty. She isn't too wild. She loves nail polish and make up. She loves skirts and dresses. She likes dress up clothes, princess crowns, lip gloss, and purses.

8. Although this drives me crazy sometimes, it is still a part of who Madi is....She is very quirky with her clothes. She doesn't ever wear jeans. She doesn't like bumps in her socks. She can't have a tag in her clothes. And, this is just to name a few.

9. She loves art projects. From markers to pixos to stickers to ceramics. She loves all things creative and artistic. She is proud of her projects, and she hangs them all over the house for everyone to see.
10. She has a good sense of humor. She loves wise cracks. She makes up silly knock knock jokes. You can make her laugh at the drop of a hat. She always wants to hide and jump out to scare you. She is cheerful and happy, and she is ready to share that with the world around her.

Trying something new.

So, here I am. An official blogger. After following many blogs, I have been inspired to write one of my own. Hopefully this will be a way to chronicle our day to day lives. And, it will also be a visual record of how our family grows and changes throughout the seasons of our lives.