Monday, May 14, 2012

Turning NINE...

So obviously I took a year off from blogging. I am making a committment to getting back into blogging. After looking back at the blogs I had written, I reminded myself that this was a neat way to record our family's activities. I am kicking off with Madelyn turning 9.

Here is the interview I did with newly NINE YEAR OLD, Madelyn:

Favorite food: Ice Cream

Favorite meal mom makes: Mac and cheese

Favorite toy: Little LaLaLoopsy dolls

Favorite birthday gift this year: Meridia doll from The Brave Movie

Something you love to do: Spend time with my family

A goal you have while you are 9 years old: Going to a swimming place

Favorite color: Pink

Favorite animal: Our new dog, Molly

Best Friend: Katie

Something you like about yourself: Being a big sister

Some things you learned to do while you were 8: muliplication, a cartwheel, and tricks on the trampoline

Best memory: Going to Disneyworld and getting soaking wet on Splash Mountain. Also, getting Baptized on Easter Sunday.

Favorite movie: Tangled in 3D

Favorite show: Good Luck Charlie

Favorite book: The Bible

What do you want to be when you grow up?: A teacher

What I have to say about Madelyn on her birthday:

A sweet baby girl born at 8:21pm on 5/12/03. There is no better gift on Mother's Day weekend than to celebrate this sweet life...the one who made me a mother for the first time. I wish everyone had the chance to witness her beautiful spirit. She is one whose love knows no bounds. She is affectionate and sweet, and she desires to be a missionary or a chef. So thankful for the nine years I have been able to teach, guide, laugh with, and learn from my Madelyn Grace. Happy Birthday, sweet girl. It has been amazing to watch you grow and mature. It is bittersweet to think you are halfway to adulthood. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you. So thankful He chose me to be an integral part of your journey. I love you.